In the beginning there was emptiness in our sphere.

  • A long time ago.
  • When we had hairs allover.
  • When we were ruled by instinct.
    A gift from nature a guideline...
  • Simple nerves in our brains.
  • Then there came a day that we thou... a memory?

    .. know this,
    .. bin here before,
    .. remember this.

    Who's remembering this?
    Was this our first thought?

Looking trough our window is wat we do and did.

Seeing our arms and legs, and no questions.
Feeling the rain and our instinct, hide and quick or be... sick.
But... now questions about all of this until the day we remember.
Started to remember there was a day, a yesterday.
Not an instinct that tells us but an other nerve.
One that stored this picture we saw the other day through our window, our yesterday.
It lightened up when we saw the same today and remembered... and thought:

I know this,
I've bin here before,
I remember this.

Thats when we were born,
a lost picture in our brain gave us time,
a past and future.
an I... am.

Our instinct was no longer alone,
adam got his eve and paradise was born.

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